Proven and Effective
Coping Power is a Blueprints Promising Program.
Each Blueprints program has been reviewed by an independent panel of evaluation experts and determined to meet a clear set of scientific standards. Out of 1400+ programs that have been reviewed, less than 5% have been designated as model and promising programs.
Coping Power has also been recognized as a promising and effective program by What Works Clearinghouse, OJJDP Model Programs Guide, and CrimeSolutions.gov.

Grants and Awards
The Coping Power Program has been a recipient of numerous grants and awards, from the following:

Founded in 1979, the Telly Awards honor outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs, the finest film and video productions, and groundbreaking web commercials, videos and films. Almost 11,000 entries were received from all 50 states and around the world. The Adventures of Captain Judgment Video Series won a Bronze Telly Award in 2009. The Captain Judgment is a multimedia, interactive series of video vignettes designed to enhance the Coping Power Program. A brief video was developed for each child and parent session. The 36 child vignettes are based on a story line of a superhero, Captain Judgment, who comes from the planet Good Judgment to teach children how to better succeed in school, manage problematic situations where they typically respond in an aggressive fashion, how to become better problem solvers, and how to enter into and develop positive peer relationships. The 16 parent vignettes aim at developing the parent’s awareness as to what the child is being taught so skills can be reinforced. Parents learn to improve their own parenting skills through methods like praise, setting clear rules and expectations, supporting child’s study skills, and more effective management of the child’s problematic behaviors. The development of the series was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health.