Coping Power Training and Certification

December 12th, 2018
Cost - $175
The Child and Parent Components of Coping Power will be covered in this two-day training. This training prepares clinicians to lead the Coping Power Program by giving a basic background of the research and then going through the manualized program session by session. To register, email us at

About Our Training
Training is conducted in a workshop format and is generally completed over a 2 or 3 day period, either in person or online. Training includes hands-on opportunities for participants to learn and practice intervention techniques, as well as presentations, discussions, and videotape modeling on the intervention. The workshops also cover the developmental model upon which Coping Power is based and a review of empirical evidence supporting the program. Follow-up training is also recommended, including bi-weekly consultation calls and submission of video recorded sessions for review and feedback from project staff.

Certification Qualifications
Training is for qualified mental health workers such as school counselors, mental health practitioners, school social workers, school psychologists, etc. looking to administer the Coping Power program in their school or district. Potential group leaders with a Master’s degree or higher should also attend. Interventionists must be professionals. The program assumes that the interventionist has expertise in implementing groups with children referred for disruptive behavior.
There are three levels of certification for Coping Power training (see below).
Level I
is a basic overview of the course and attendees receive a certificate of completion.
Level II
provides training that is tailored towards you and your agency and the population that you will deliver the program to.
Level II can be done online or in-person at the University of Alabama.
Attendees receive PRIMARY certification after submitting videos for fidelity check and attending supervision calls for feedback.
Level III
is the highest level of certification that is offered. At Level III, the training is specifically targeted towards you and your agency.
The training is done in-person and can be held here at the University of Alabama or the trainers can come to you.
Training is 2 workshop days and attendees receive INTENSIVE certification after fidelity checks and supervision.
Coping Power Certification Levels
Level 1
- Purchase manuals (Child - $59.95; Parent - $47.95)
- Complete online workshop through Division 53 (9 hours; Cost - $180)
- Attend General online training (2 days; 3 hours each day; Cost - $175)
- Receive General Certificate of Completion
Level II
- Purchase manuals
- Attend live/interactive training online/in-person (on campus)
- Training is tailored to you/your agency
- 6 hours (Two, 3 hour trainings)
- Child and Parent Component
- Cost - $800
- Submit 2 videos for fidelity check to Coping Power Mentor; supervision phone call to discuss each video
- Attendees receive PRIMARY Certification
Level III
- Purchase manuals
- Attend live/interactive training in-person (on campus or at your location)
- Training is tailored to you/your agency
- Cost - $2500 plus travel expenses for trainer(s)
- 2 workshop days
- Training is more in-depth (research background and rationale, specific issues to you/your agency, etc)
- Submit 2 videos for fidelity check to Coping Power Mentor; supervision phone call to discuss each video
- Attendees receive INTENSIVE Certification

Training Schedule
Workshops are offered twice per year on the University of Alabama campus. We also arrange on-site trainings for interested agencies and school systems on an individual basis. Ongoing consultation and technical assistance can be arranged as needed. Find upcoming trainings in the Upcoming Trainings page of this site. For more information about training procedures and costs email us at